Hello all! Due to my lack of internet access on board, these posts will be delayed by at least a month, but I will release them in the same intervals as they are written!
Currently in off dog watch! For you landlubbers, a dog watch is a neat little trick used on long distance sailing trips in order to make sure that the watch system is varied as opposed to a set schedule. Two two-hour watches replace one four-hour watch every night at 6 pm, thus guarenteeing that both crews rotate through the watch system...all a bit technical but appreciated nonetheless.
I'm writing from a borrowed bunk as mine unfortunately became saturated due to some water coming in through a hatch, making a magical 45 degree turn, and landing directly on my bed. Lovely! Hoping it dries a bit before my next off watch which is in about six hours.
Starting to get into the swing of things. We are quite short for crew-15 of us in total including Skipper Eric. But everyone seems motivated and eager to race. We are headed dead north at the moment, on a close reach with steady trade winds blowing at about 20 knots. Qingdao, one of the other race yachts, is at about two o clock off the starboard now and has been steadily holding use off for most of the race thus far. We are 700 miles to our gate, and the wind and waves will be quite consistent for most of it which means very small details like trimming sails to inch ahead as opposed to big details like sail changes. Today was a bit squally, but the sun was out for most of the day, and I am developing an interesting tan from my life jacket....
I helmed (drove) for about an hour and a half today, and was much more confident at it than I thought I would be. In fact, my confidence is surprising me in every aspect of the boat. I find that I remember much more than I thought I would, and I think the rest of the crew appreciates my input and proactive attitude, and I had already learned lots of new tricks of the trade. We shall see how long my enthusiasm lasts. Thus far, it is great fun! Life at a 15 degree heel is quite difficult, particularly removing one's pants to use the toilet. And although none of you knew it was missing, I have located my knife, which gives me great relief and makes me feel not so naked.
That's enough for now. Must work on my knife lanyard!
A photo of the sunset off the starboard stern...can you make out our competition?
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